Select Aftermarket Part Screen

Use this screen to select an aftermarket part vendor.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Vendor This is the vendor company name.
Part Number This is the aftermarket part number.
Price $ This amount reflects the vendor list price of the part.
Difference $ This is the OEM and aftermarket part amount difference.
Status This indicates whether the part is CAPA Certified.
Add to Estimate

This option is available if you accessed this screen through the database panel Compare button, or through the Estimate Line Properties > General tab or Comparison Tab. Select this to accept your choice.

Add w/Changes...

Selecting this option opens the Estimate Line Properties General tab, and inserts all the information for the highlighted recycled part. You can change the information as desired.

Compare... Select this option to open the Estimate Line Properties Comparison tab. All the information for the highlighted recycled part is inserted in this screen. You can compare the recycled cost and labor to the OEM or aftermarket parts and labor.
Cancel Selecting this option aborts the recycled part selection process and closes the screen.

See Also

Selecting Aftermarket







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